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At EMUNO, we develop new drugs to control immunity, treat diseases, and enhance human health and wellbeing. We design and apply superior identification and optimization strategies tailored for each individual target. This allows us to create therapeutics that promote or dampen specific immune responses, such as to treat autoimmune disorders or overcome cancer immune evasion.


EMUNO - Approach

Superior drug efficacy and safety requires biological specificity. We believe that developing pathway-specific therapeutics requires pathway-specific approaches. EMUNO integrates functional screening with an effect-driven discovery approach to design molecules that act more accurately and efficiently, and enable us to precisely modify a specific immune mechanism and validate its therapeutic potential at the same time.

EMUNO - Management Team

EMUNO is run by a highly motivated team who combines in-depth experience in immunology, science, pharma and business.

We are all passionate to improve patients' lives by controlling immunity.


Dr. Emilia Neuwirt


Prof. Dr. Olaf Groß


Dr. Andreas Vogt


EMUNO - Pipeline

EMUNO continuously advances towards new programs in immunology and immuno-oncology. To amplify our portfolio growth, we exploit our strong expertise in immunology, cell signaling and drug discovery. Our current portfolio covers small molecules with unparalleled potential in cancer treatment and immunology.

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